Search Results

Name SKU Category Description Price
Covenant Keepers Part Two BS13MAY Bible Studies/Teaching Tools This four-lesson bible study series... [more]


Covenant Keepers - Part One BS13APR Bible Studies/Teaching Tools "Part One of a three-part bible stu... [more]


Breaking Thru to the New You! - Part One BS12MAR Bible Studies/Teaching Tools You'll love this new bible study se... [more]


Just Like Me - Part Two BS12FEB Bible Studies/Teaching Tools A series of four lessons from the p... [more]


SERVANTHOOD TRAINING Part Three BS11MAR Bible Studies/Teaching Tools The final in a three-part series of... [more]


Lessons from Kings and Prophets - Part One BS11APR Bible Studies/Teaching Tools Four lessons in a series of 13 less... [more]


Christ's Commands to Every Christian BS10SEP Bible Studies/Teaching Tools Four Lesson Bible Study Series - Te... [more]


Discovering Your Spiritual Gifts BS10OCT Bible Studies/Teaching Tools A four lesson exhaustive study seri... [more]


Idol Adoration 3813 Sermons Jeremiah 50:38
... [more]


You've Been Elected 3809 Sermons Colossians 3:12
Spiritual Grow... [more]


Make Your Choice 3805 Sermons Joshua 24:14 & 24


A Temporary Interment 3783 Sermons Luke 24:7
Resurrec... [more]


The Misdeeds of Men 3773 Sermons Ecclesiastes 1:15
Sal... [more]


Are You Tired of God? 3755 Sermons Isaiah 43:22-25
... [more]


A Few Faithful Followers 3748 Sermons Judges 7:1-8
Comm... [more]


A Wandering Soul 3747 Sermons Hosea 6:1
Co... [more]


When Good People Do Nothing 3745 Sermons Deuteronomy 32:15 & 17
Faithfu... [more]


Looking for a Few Good Men 3742 Sermons Ezekiel 22:30
Father's Day
... [more]


Fishers of Men 3741 Sermons Matthew 4:19
Salv... [more]


A Mother's Kindness 3737 Sermons Ruth 1:8-9
Mother's Day
W... [more]


Sunday Is For Saints 3701 Sermons Lamentations 1:4
Faithfulness<... [more]


True Worship 3696 Sermons John 4:5-26
Commi... [more]


All In For Christ 3683 Sermons James 1:8 & Acts 19:18-20
Comm... [more]


I Will Trust in the Lord 3662 Sermons Isaiah 26:3
Content... [more]


Vows that Lead to Victory 3659 Sermons Judges 11:29-33


A Strange Land 3653 Sermons Psalm 126
Co... [more]


Are You Playing Church? 3651 Sermons Acts 8:13
Holy... [more]


Money for Mending 3635 Sermons 2 Kings 12:9-12
Building Fund<... [more]


Cover vs. Content 3632 Sermons 2 Chronicles 25:5-9
Faithfulne... [more]


Relic Religion 3614 Sermons Exodus 32:1-6
... [more]


Turning Time 3613 Sermons Lamentations 5:21


Mending the Mess 3565 Sermons Isaiah 58:12
Christian Duty[more]


Tatted Up For Christ 3554 Sermons Galatians 6:17
... [more]


The Delight and Danger in Alliances 3538 Sermons 1 Kings 10:1-3 & 11:4
Relation... [more]


A Father's Impact on the World 3532 Sermons Genesis 17:1-6
Fathers Day
... [more]


Preventive Care 3460 Sermons Psalm 51:11-13
... [more]


A Soldiers Pledge 3442 Sermons Joshua 1:7-8
Commit... [more]


The Empty Pew 3440 Sermons 1 Samuel 20:18b
Co... [more]


The Making of a Man 3428 Sermons 1 Kings 2:2-3
Fathers Day
C... [more]


Don't Sit On Your Salvation 3420 Sermons Hebrews 6:1-2
Spiritual Growth<... [more]


One Thing 3419 Sermons Mark 10:21
Resurrect... [more]


Three Mighty Men 3409 Sermons 2 Samuel 23:15-17
... [more]


Out with the Old, In with the New 3390 Sermons Luke 5:36-39
Comm... [more]


Cruising in Neutral 3388 Sermons Luke 12:51
Obedi... [more]


Having the Last Word 3385 Sermons Revelation 22:17-21
... [more]


A Strange Offering 3380 Sermons Leviticus 10:1-2
F... [more]


Signed Sealed Delivered I'm Yours 3359 Sermons Psalm 56:13


I Do Solemnly Resolve 3351 Sermons Psalm 90:12
Disc... [more]


Who's Who In The Book Of Life 3349 Sermons Philippians 4:3
Victo... [more]


Work Out Your Own Salvation 3331 Sermons Philippians 2:12,14-16a
Discipl... [more]


No Cancellation Clause 3328 Sermons Psalm 89:26-29
Marriage, Commit... [more]


The Three D's of Discipleship 3282 Sermons Matthew 16:24-27
... [more]


The Cost of Unresolved Conflict 3272 Sermons Genesis 21:8-21
Reconciliation<... [more]


A Sober Drunk 3270 Sermons Acts 2:1-7 and 13-21
Holy Spiri... [more]


Who's In Charge? 3268 Sermons 1 Peter 3:18 and 22


Who Is This? 3262 Sermons Matthew 21:1-11
Palm Sunday
... [more]


Turn Me Loose and Let Me Go 3261 Sermons John 11:28-44
Tra... [more]


Your Word Is Your Bond 3254 Sermons Matthew 5:33-37 Commitment
Subm... [more]


Peace Wherever You're Planted 3236 Sermons Jeremiah 29:1,4-7
Tru... [more]


Can You Push God Too Far? 3232 Sermons Jeremiah 4:22-28
... [more]


Ripe for the Gathering 3224 Sermons Amos 8:1-2
Judgm... [more]


The Persevering Prayers of a Praying Father 3219 Sermons Psalm 5:1-2, Matthew 7:8-11
Fat... [more]


Ruptures and Rifts Among the Redeemed 3211 Sermons Revelation 7:9-10
Fellowship, R... [more]


A Bag Bearing Bandit and His Basement Rats 3206 Sermons John 12:1-8
Spiritual ... [more]


Navigating Church Traffic 3199 Sermons 1 Corinthians 12:27-31
Leaders... [more]


Pulling the Plow 3185 Sermons Mark 10:42-45
St... [more]


Running to Win 3149 Sermons 1 Corinthians 9:24-27
Persevera... [more]


A Father's Benediction 3116 Sermons 2 Corinthians 13:11-13
Fathers ... [more]


Diligent Daytime Disciples 3106 Sermons John 11:9-10, John 9:4-5
Witnes... [more]


Guaranteed by God 3103 Sermons Psalm 121:7-8
Relationship with... [more]


Teamwork 3098 Sermons 1 Corinthians 3:9
Com... [more]


The Foolishness of Preaching 3096 Sermons 1 Corinthians 1:18-31
Submissio... [more]


Eluding the Enemy 3081 Sermons Psalm 119:98-100
Ten Commandmen... [more]


The Devastation of Separation 3079 Sermons Lamentations 1:1-6
Thre... [more]


The Fat Cat Phenomenon 3078 Sermons Amos 6:1a,4-7
"When prosperity ... [more]


The Substance of Our Sacrifice 3074 Sermons Hebrews 13:15-16
"There were tw... [more]


The Blessed GOP 3071 Sermons Psalm 33:12
"We have more churc... [more]


Six Great Acts in the Name of Love 3070 Sermons Hosea 11:1-12
"Love can right a... [more]


Selling Out and Giving Up 3068 Sermons Colossians 1:22-23
"If we half ... [more]


A Secret Reason to Praise the Lord 3040 Sermons Ephesians 1:3-14
... [more]


Trusting Through Trials 3034 Sermons Thanksgiving
Tr... [more]


The Church in Challenging Times 3033 Sermons Mark 13:5-8
Comm... [more]


Committed Unto Death 3031 Sermons Ruth 1:16-18
Thr... [more]


The Nerve to Serve 3028 Sermons Amos 5:5-8a,14
Christian Duty[more]


Have You Lost Your Head 3015 Sermons John 1:23; Mark 6:18,20,27-28
W... [more]


How to Study the Bible (The Hermeneutic Approach) 1568 Bible Studies/Teaching Tools A long single or double lesson stud... [more]


Christian Stress Management 1554 Bible Studies/Teaching Tools A single-lesson bible study that te... [more]


Six Dimensions of Prayer 1551 Bible Studies/Teaching Tools A single lesson bible study that st... [more]


Is the Bible True? 1520 Bible Studies/Teaching Tools A single lesson bible study that ex... [more]


The Ten Commandments 1504 Bible Studies/Teaching Tools Single Lesson Bible Study - Underst... [more]


Men On A Mission 1451 Sermons Matthew 9:35-38
Fathers Day


Power Outage 1446 Sermons Numbers 11:24-30, John 7:37b-38
... [more]


The Treasure Hunt 1440 Sermons Psalm 16:5-6
Contentm... [more]


Sitting in the Best Seat 1410 Sermons Luke 14:1,7-11
Con... [more]


The Inadequacy of Man 1362 Sermons Numbers 11:14
Jes... [more]


Tree Theology 1361 Sermons Psalm 1:3
Spirit... [more]


I Pledge Allegiance 1312 Sermons Matthew 22:15-22


Get Right with God 1310 Sermons Matthew 21:33-46
... [more]


God's Requirements and God's Gift 1275 Sermons Micah 6:8
Christian Duty
Sa... [more]


The Merit of our Mission 1262 Sermons 2 Thessalonians 1:11-12
Faithfu... [more]


Three Keys to Contentment 1258 Sermons Psalm 37:1-9,25
... [more]


An Old Race and a New Race 1252 Sermons Hebrews 12:18-24
R... [more]


The Mixed Motives of Men 1244 Sermons Luke 9:57-62
Fai... [more]


Dead Men Tell No Tales 1241 Sermons Luke 7:11-17
Spiritual Growth[more]


When I See Jesus...Amen! 1223 Sermons Luke 4:21-30
Disc... [more]


Designer Clothes 1217 Sermons Colossians 3:12-17
New Year
M... [more]


Playing With Fire 1215 Sermons Luke 3:7-18
Commitment... [more]


Give Thanks for All Men 1212 Sermons 1 Timothy 2:1-7
Thanksgiving [more]


Watered Down Religion 1200 Sermons Deuteronomy 4:1-2,6-9
Psalm 15<... [more]


Never-Ending Service to a Never-Forsaking God 1199 Sermons Joshua 24:1-2,14-18
Commitment<... [more]


Angel Food Cake 1196 Sermons Exodus 16:2-3
Psalm 78:23-29[more]


All Things to All Men by All Means 1171 Sermons 1 Corinthians 9:16-23
Evangelism [more]


Practicing What You Preach 1170 Sermons 1 Corinthians 8:1-13
Discipleshi... [more]


Where in the World is God? 1142 Sermons Isaiah 44:6-8


The Men From Mars 1131 Sermons Acts 17:22-31
Spiritu... [more]


A Mob, A Martyr, and a Message 1130 Sermons Acts 7:55-60
Spiritua... [more]


Call Me...You Know the Number 1128 Sermons 1 Peter 1:17-23
Je... [more]


The Seal of Approval 1127 Sermons Acts 2:14-31
Evangeli... [more]


Is Your All on the Altar? 1126 Sermons John 15:13
Commitment<... [more]


Authentic Love 1122 Sermons 1 Peter 1:22
Jesus Christ
Com... [more]


The Unprofitable Servant 1107 Sermons Luke 17:6-10
Commi... [more]


New Members Orientation Manual 1017 Bible Studies/Teaching Tools Teach your new members the meaning ... [more]


Seven Last Words Power Series 0888 Sermons Good Friday

The Pl... [more]


My Cup Runneth Over (Black History) 0877 Sermons Psalm 23:5
Black History
Dr... [more]


Fathers with Umbrella Faith 0871 Sermons Hebrews 11:1
Fathers Day
Me... [more]


The Mother Who Warned the World 0868 Sermons 1 Samuel 2:1-2,10
Mothers Day[more]


Fathers Who Have the Victory 0854 Sermons 1 John 5:4
Fathers Day
Mens... [more]


Blind Faith 0833 Sermons Judges 4:1-14
Womens Day
... [more]


Peace For Men Who Pray (Men's Day) 0830 Sermons Psalm 3:1-6
Men's Day
Praye... [more]


An Everlasting Church (Church Anniversary) 0829 Sermons Psalm 78:1-7
Church Anniversary... [more]


Sacrificial Singing 0825 Sermons Psalm 27:6b
A celebration of t... [more]


Satan's School of Sin 0807 Sermons Genesis 3:1-8
Every diploma has... [more]


The Prodigal Son's Father 0805 Sermons Luke 15:11-32
Fathers Day
M... [more]


Fathers on the Honor System 0804 Sermons Acts 4:19
Fathers Day
Mens ... [more]


The Light Skin Mystique (Bonus Gift) 0794 Sermons 1 Samuel 17:42
Black History[more]


Boys to Men (Mens Day) 0785 Sermons 1 Kings 2:1-2
Mens Day
Thre... [more]


You Must Be A Special Lady (Womens Day) 0784 Sermons 2 John 1-13
Womens Day
What... [more]


Fathers Taking it to the Street 0768 Sermons 11 Chronicles 33:1-18
Fathers D... [more]


Seven Last Words HIS Series 0761-7 Sermons Seven Last Words "HIS" Series
"... [more]


Fired Up and Ready to Go 0743 Sermons Jeremiah 20:9b
Mens Day
Com... [more]


The Audacity of Hope 0736 Sermons Lamentations 3:24
Vict... [more]


The Right Man for the Job 0716 Sermons Job 1:7-11
Men's Day
Mens D... [more]


Breaking the Ties that Bind 0705 Sermons 2 Chronicles 28:1
2 Chronicles ... [more]


The Hunchback Woman 0704 Sermons Luke 13:11-13
Spiritu... [more]


Puzzled by the Pieces 0701 Sermons Luke 17:5
Co... [more]


One Man's Sincere Prayer 0680 Sermons Judges 16:28


A Man and His Dreams 0679 Sermons Genesis 39:18-20
Dr. King


I'm Tired of Church 0660 Sermons Matthew 15:3,6-9
Co... [more]


Men Delivered From Exile 0658 Sermons Proverbs 20:6
Black History
M... [more]


Passing the Test 0653 Sermons Exodus 20:1-20
Ten Commandments [more]


Fathers...Sold Out and All In 0617 Sermons 1 Chronicles 12:32
Fathers Day<... [more]


AWOL 0605 Sermons 2 Chronicles 2:1-4
Mens Day
C... [more]


More Than an Affair With Jesus 0604 Sermons John 4:16-18, 28-29
Womens Day [more]


Man...God's Crowning Achievement 0571 Sermons Psalm 8:4
Mens Day
Relationsh... [more]


Rahab's Red Thread of Faith 0562 Sermons Joshua 2:1-21
Womens Day [more]


A Garment of False Accusation 0561 Sermons Genesis 37:18-24


A Garment of Favoritism 0560 Sermons Genesis 37:31-34


Stand Your Watch With Christ 0556 Sermons Habakkuk 2:1-4; Matthew 16:18-19[more]


Christian Fathers...Building a Roof Over Our Heads and a Foundation Under Our Feet 0549 Sermons Matthew 6:9
Fathers Day
Mens ... [more]


The Carrier and His Commitment 0547 Sermons 2 Timothy 2:2
Wi... [more]


It Is Appointed Unto Men Once To Die 0544 Sermons Hebrews 9:27
A sermon on the su... [more]


First Love 0543 Sermons Romans 12:9
Wo... [more]


A Spiritual Excavation 0542 Sermons Spiritual Gifts


What Manner of Men Are We? 0524 Sermons 2 Peter 3:11
Mens Day [more]


What Manner of Men Are We? 0524 Sermons 2 Peter 3:11
Mens Day [more]


Perfecting Your Praise 0450 Sermons Psalm 103:1-5
Wom... [more]


Deacons...God's Chosen Men 0446 Sermons 1 Timothy 3:8-13
Deacons Ordinat... [more]


It's Time for Your Spiritual Makeover 0444 Sermons Colossians 3:1-2
Transf... [more]


A Good Battery, but a Weak Connection 0443 Sermons 1 Corinthians 1:18
Co... [more]


Overcoming a Valley Mentality 0431 Sermons Psalm 23:4
Psalm 122:1-4
Spir... [more]


Real Men Praise God! 0429 Sermons James 5:13b
Wo... [more]


Are You Whitewashed or Have You Been Washed White? 0396 Sermons Matthew 23:27
Isaiah 1:18
Sal... [more]


The Minister's Assignment 0383 Sermons Jeremiah 1:10
Ordination Pastor [more]


Putting First Things First 0341 Sermons Matthew 6:33
Christian Duty
O... [more]


If Ye Love Me 0257 Sermons John 14:15
Disciple... [more]


Fumbling the Christian Ball 0240 Sermons Matthew 6:24-34
Sal... [more]


Almost Doesn't Count 0205 Sermons Acts 26:28
Faith... [more]
